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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Disney Princess Terrorists

I knew better. You fly enough, you should know the rules. When you go through the full-body scanner you must remove everything from your pockets. I forgot my wallet.
So here I am, watching a highly-trained TSA agent take my wallet apart (as if I might have a pound or two of ammonium nitrate explosive hidden between my family photo and my pastors' discount card for the Tree of Life bookstore) while another security "expert" is fondling my crotch and ass.

It's been a long trip. I'm not feeling all that well. My tolerance for morons in uniform is at a dangerous low. There is another flight out in a couple of hours if...for some reason...I should be "delayed." Everything is in perfect order for me to cause someone to regret their employment choice. All that is left is to decide on the appropriate volume for the coming tirade.

But before I can utter the brilliant (yet cutting) comment to the troll still amusing himself with my wallet, the calm of the security screening area is shattered by a loud male voice shouting "Are you f___ing KIDDING me?" A small child begins to wail, and the voice continues "This has got to be some kind of f___ing joke!"

Wow, I think. That is far better than the snarky comment I was going to make. As Charleston Hesston said in the Ten Commandments, when seeing the burning bush from a distance, "I must go and see this thing." So as I put on my shoes, belt, watch, cell phone, glasses (and what was left of my dignity), I moved to see what the commotion was about.

The short version of the story was this. Mom, Dad and (I'm guessing) four-year-old daughter are coming back from a trip to Disneyland. Daughter's souvenir from the trip was a Disney Princess snow globe. Disney princess snow globes are on the official TSA no-fly list, so a dutiful and ever-vigilant agent has taken the snow globe from the child's Little Mermaid backpack and has thrown it into the bin of other extremely dangerous confiscated liquids (mostly oversized bottles of mouthwash). Child is wailing, and Dad has crossed the line from annoyed to full-blown anger. Others in line are joining in verbal abuse of the TSA agent.

The scene resembled recent news reports from Egypt. Security agents were arriving from other screening stations. And I swear people in line were scanning the floor for rocks to throw. My participation was neither needed or called for, so I went on to catch my flight.

I shared the story will a fellow passenger. She looked at me smugly and declared "I feel for the little girl, but personally, I'm willing to do anything to make sure flying is safe."

Really? Anything? I can't wait to hear her response when someone inevitably smuggles an explosive device "inside" their body, where the scanners don't penetrate. Let's see if she feels safer after the rubber gloves are removed.

So we traumatize four-year-olds. We publicly embarrass a woman in the Portland airport, as a TSA agent makes her explain (in front of dozens of other passengers) that the bulk the agent is feeling during the pat-down is an adult Depends diaper. Or the elderly black man in Orlando that had to show the agent (and everyone else in line) his colostomy bag. Or the veteran forced at LAX to remove his prosthetic leg to go through the screening. Or the additional screening and the interview I had to endure because I made a last minute change to my flight schedule when I found out my Mom had passed away.

Do I feel safer now when I fly? I'll feel safer when we abandon the idiotic screening methods we use in this country (methods that have been proven over and over to not work). I'll feel safer when we adopt methods that do work. I'll feel safer when we stop groping little old ladies, and instead, take a hard look at every traveler who even appears to be of middle eastern decent. And if my darker skin and beard mean that I get groped more often, I'll live.

But I must admit...I would really like to see the Homeland Security briefing on Disney Princess terrorist. I'll bet anything that Princess Jasmine is the ringleader.


  1. The next time you happen to travel on a bus, subway, or train take a look around. No security. We have a huge fear of a plane crashing into a building, but people readily walk onto a train or bus that is a simple terrorist target. EMX buses can hold a hundred people (and I swear I have been on them when they have) and subways hold even more.
    We believe in security checks for aircraft, but pay no mind to the other methods of public transit we use on a far more regular basis.
    What pipe-dream of security are we chasing after? Does our security defeat the terrorist or does our security terrorize us? Besides the financial cost TSA has added to our federal budget (which will be cut long after schools and public safety for buses and trains) what is the cost to the next generation that is constantly paranoid of hidden danger and killer snow-globes?
    If we are willing to go through this security at any cost... well it would seem that we already are. Is the return worth it?

  2. Well said, both of you.

    A terrorist will find a way to terrorize whomever they wish...they're terrorist, it's what they do. I'm personally disgusted by their job, but their are a lot of things I'm disgusted by in this world. My point matter how much security their is ANYwhere, they will find a way past it. Once's what they do. Why don't we just stop pissing other countries off??? There's a thought...

    I don't think we should be completely UNprotected, however, I'm with all this security really what's terrorizing us? Can't we do as Tim said and target these animals by the way they look? I mean sorry man, but I do judge books by their cover...and that towel on your head makes me uncomfortable.

    Can't we all just get along??? :/ lol

  3. Oh and Tim, funny you chose Princess Jasmine...this can't be coincidence?!?!? heheehe
